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DUO -PLAYBACK [Full Album Music Video]

Role: Art Director + Set Designer

+the seranader + the robber


Prod Company | Say Goodnight Films @saygoodnightfilms
Concept & Director | Paul Johnson R @pol.ocho
Producer & 1st AD | Hope Burgess @hopeburgesss
Cinematographer | George Mills @ills_creative
Art Director | Andrew Cowie @cowie_andrew


The concept of this video was to create a visualiser for the band's new album. Normally this would be in the form of a looping animation, or in most cases just the album cover photo.
The director came up with a concept that would have a beginning and end but still allow listeners to be able to concentrate mainly on the music, and have freedom to be distracted from the video while listening to the album, but each time they come back to the video new actions that are taking place are being revealed.
The band, husband and wife, Luke and Ellie Pritchard, are portrayed in the foreground, and throughout the video they stay in that area and rarely acknowledge what is going on behind them in the studio built restaurant. Again keeping concentration on them and their music. This video is about DUO, their music and their love.
Around them we get little scenes between the extras that are also attending the restaurant, and new stories and images are revealed as the video progresses. A chef chases an escaped chicken from the kitchen, an angry wife confronts her husband who is spending time with a younger mistress, and at one point a robber escaping a failed heist is chased into the restaurant by a police officer.
The whole video was shot in 7 minutes at 120FPS, so it was essential that every action was prepared, timed, and rehearsed accordingly.
We were able to get 3 clean takes, and this was the last one.
Thank you to all the talented people, both on and off camera, who put in a lot of hard work to make this possible. And thank you to DUO for having faith in us to create this very ambitious idea.








The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover 

- Paul Greenaway

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Working closely with the director, I created a number of concept collages based on the storyboard to help develop a further spatial understanding of the long, staged video.

Cast + Crew


Cast in order of appearance:

Young Couple Boyfriend | Elliott Eason @_arc_25
Young Couple Girlfriend | Marie Osman @marieyofficial
The Rich Gentleman | Michael Seaman @seaman3496
The Mistress | Charlotte Baldwin @charrbaldwin
Head Waiter | Brémond @bremond__
The Chef | Joe-Annette-Norman @ginger_joeee
The Flower girl | Milena Watts @milenawatts
The Plate seller | Nathaniel Wilson @nawtytoonice
The diver | Jack Walsh @jackw898
Second Waiter | Pradeep Weerasuriya @mpradawee
The Serenader | Andrew Cowie @cowie_andrew
The Angry Wife | Portia Booroff
The Robber | Andrew Cowie @cowie_andrew
The Police Officer | Samuel Harbrow @samuelharbrow
Intro Voice Over | Antonio Gardoni @bogue_profumo


Fashion Director | Luna Loreti @lunettaelle
Stylist | Marko Vrbos @marko_vrbos
Art Production | Frances Leung @leung_frances
Artist HMUA | Gina Parr @ginaparr_makeup
Cast HMUA | Milena Watts @milenawatts
BTS Photographer | Shayna Jenkins @shaygnaaa
Cam Op | Juan Minotta @Juan Minotta
Grip | Jack Walsh @jackw898
WT Consigliere | Hev X @anotherreur
Colourist | Jonny Tully @jonnytully
VFX Artists | Darius Juknevicius @thedijei Simon “Bird” Soloveichik @simonandbird
Clothes | Magpie Vintage London @magpievintage_london
Sculpture and Paintings | Andrew Cowie @cowie_andrew
Shot at | Simulacra Studios @simulacra_studio
Camera Rental | SLVision @slvstudios
Flooring | DancefloorUK
Animal Handler | Khalid Rana

Shot on the Sony Venice

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With placeholders for the many different characters entering and exiting the set, A storyboard for the course of events was quick to establish which was paramount for due to the length of the video and multiple characters included.

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